Siristän silmiäni jopa pilvisellä säällä xD Olenpas herkkä auringonvalolle...
I squint my eyes even if it's overcast xD My I'm sensitive so sunlight...
Over the last few years I've altered between red and black hair (and once dark blue), and a while ago decided I can be more adventurous and dyed it purple. I didn't want to bleach all of it because I want it to grow, so I bleached some stripes that I dyed with shock purple. That faded really nicely to an odd, blueish color you can see in some pictures. But now I wanted it to be more vibrantly purple, so I had my sister help me! We bleached the top of my hair (about to my ears) and dyed it this new shock purple, but wow, it's quite... pink. And I know this will fade to pink. So as I'm happy that the color came out really vibrant, I'll probably dye it again in the same shock purple I did my stripes the last time. Pink is really not my color (suits some people very well, looks awesome, but not my cup of tea) so I prefer that my hair fades to blue. I like how the old stripes still show. :)
Hiukseni ovat hyvin omapäiset luonnonkiharat, jakaukseni vaihtelee joka päivä. Eniten ärsyttää takaraivossani oleva pyörre joka kuvassakin näkyy. Se ei koskaan mene niinkuin haluan...
I have naturally wavy hair, and it changes very often how it want's to go. Especially the back of my head has a really annoying whirl of hair(?) as you can see. It never goes the way I want it to...
Mutta eiköhän se riittänyt hiuksista tällä erää! Kas tässä ostamiani sormuksia. En muista kaupan nimeä, mutta Skanssista nämä ostin.
But I think that's enough hair talk for now! I'll show some rings I bought. I don't remember the name of the store though, but it's in a shopping centre called Skanssi.
Kivet ovat syvän punaisia ja tuo keskimmäinen sormus on ehdoton suosikkini. Se on juuri sopivan massiivinen ja goottinen <3 Nämä olivat kolmen setti, ja kerrankin pidän kaikista mitä tällaisessa setissä ostan.
The stones are a deep red color and the ring in the middle is my absolute favourite. It's perfectly massive and gothic <3 These came in a set of three, and for once I actually like everything I buy in a set like this.
Ja tältä ne näyttää kädessä ~ tylsät siniset kynnet, toivottavasti ehdin viikonloppuna tekemään hienot.
And here they are in my hand ~ Boring blue nails, I'm hoping to do cool nails this weekend.
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