This week we were supposed to show an outfit for under 150$. Naturally my first thought was to show something hand-made, but I had another idea. Because not everyone have the equipment, skill or desire to make things, I'll show an outfit where everything is bought new or second hand from "normal stores" or the internet. This shows that you can be a budget lolita without having to modify any items.
Hattu, paita ja kengät kirpparilta, hame Bodyline (ostin sen käytettynä mutta listaan tänne myyntihinnan), laukku ja sukkikset ebay, korut normikaupoista. Hatun ruusut ovat kaupanpäälisiä hameesta ja Surface Spelliltä, ne ovat vain klipsuilla kiinni eli irroitettavissa.
Hat, blouse and shoes are thrifted, skirt from Bodyline (I bought it second hand but listed the retail price here), bag and tights ebay, jewelry from normal stores. The roses on the hat were freebies from the skirt and Surface Spell, they're just clipped on so I can take them off.
Kuvasin tämän hirveällä kiireellä ja olin melkoisen kettuuntunut, toivottavasti se ei hirveästi näy ^^'
I filmed this is a massive hurry and was slightly pissed off, hopefully it doesn't show much ^^'
I hope you checked &
ReplyDeleteWill do :)
Delete^^ Glad to hear that, my dear apprentice