Wednesday, 4 February 2015

I own a dream print!

Story time! When I first started to really research what lolita was really about (about two and a half years ago), the first dress I truly fell in love with was the Stained Glass print from Moi Meme Moitie. Ever since then I've adored all the different stained glass prints from different brands, but it's always been wishful thinking. They were always too expensive, and I didn't think I would buy any  brand. 



(Three Archangels ; Westminster Choir)

Let's skip ahead: a while back I already owned some "true brand", even one (now sold) bought straight from Innocent World. And lo and behold: IW comes up with two adorable stained glass prints! And I didn't have enough money for them, because the shipping and tax (for items over ~20€ 24%, items over 150€ 36% + you pay tax for shipping fees as well) the cost is often pretty much doubled. So here I was, lacking stained glass and dreaming of one day owning it.

Then, one the first day of This Year of To-Be-Awesomeness, I saw a dress on Lacemarket. 'Twas a dress of fine detail and beautiful cut, and, to top it off, precisely my size. So without any pondering or consideration, I hastily clicked "bid" and it became mine. $118 (no tax!) and ten days later it was mine! And I was happy. <3 As you can see from my little unboxing happy dance.

This is a "TaoBao brand" called CEL, and the print is St. Augustine's Abbey (lolibrary). It came out in 2013 when I barely knew that ebay existed, so I had never heard of TaoBao. The length is the annoying standard of 93cm instead of my preferred 100cm, but I can work around it; I can wear it with an underskirt to make it longer or then I'll sew something to the hem to make it so permanently :3 I like the waist tie, since it gives me extra material to either use as it's supposed to be used or as raw material to makes accessories from. The white collar thing I probably won't use very often, but it's nice to have ^^ The bodice fits well and I love the square neckline.

In all seriousness, this type of print has been on my "me wants" list forever. The brand ones have been too expensive and though I've noticed some indiebrands with this type of print, there's usually something wrong with the color, cut, length, size or then the shopping service and all extra costs has made it too expensive. So to have this now in my hands is a dream come true ~

I also tried to make four coordinates! A toned down, old school one; One that has more white than my outfits usually do; one using the detachabe collar; and one for summer. This surely isn't a "summer dress" but since it comes every year, I thought I would give it a go. Outfit rundowns are in the video. Which was your favourite? ^^

And now if I can get my hands on a book print and a brown or ivory chocolate print I have my holy trinity.... One down, two to go!


  1. This is truly an awesome year so far. I'm currently waiting for one of my dream dresses in the mail right now. So I'm right there with you. (mine was shamefully more pricey however T^T)

    I never really wanted a stain glass print dress. I'm not really very religious so I kind of feel a bit awkward walking around wearing crosses and such even though I do think they are gorgeous! It wasn't until recently that I've had a small interest because one of my favorite bands made a music video with a stain glass in the background that looks a lot like that CEL print, and kind of like St Vitus from Haenuli. But now, because of your video and post I think I might be adding it to my wishlist.

    It's amazing how many versatile coords can be made out of just one dress. They all look gorgeous, but I really like the white blouse one the most. Second fav is the summer look. Can't wait to see what you do with it later. Like bringing out the greens and reds like you mentioned in your video.

    1. Ah the feeling of waiting something precious to arrive ~ It's never soon enough!

      I'm an atheist but (partly because on my goth background) have no problem with crosses - they're just a shape to me, like a flower or star. The stained glass looks pretty as an object as well, but as I said in the video, the shape of the collar is a bit too nun-like for me to be able to wear it casually and be comfortable. Maybe I'll wear it to a themed meet up or convention, but not to the grocery store...

      I really wanted to coord it with small red accents and another one with a huge amount of red, but I'll leave it for later. If you stick around you're sure to see it! ^^ I still have way too little green (both in main pieces or accessories) but I'll try to rectify it as soon as the finance allows it. :3
